Job Description



Job Goal:

To provide leadership in the development, implementation, and coordination of the District's K-12 curriculum management plan and to oversee assessment. Bismarck is a high-achieving district of approximately 1000+ students.


Job Responsibilities:

1. Guides curriculum and instructional services' development, implementation, and evaluation.

2. Ensures that curriculum units/revisions are consistent with the initiatives of the District's strategic plan.

3. Coordinates the District assessment system.

4. Analyze standardized test results and monitor their use in improving the instructional program.

5. Convenes and chairs the District Guiding Coalition (DGC)

6. Organizes periodic grade level and departmental meetings to effect horizontal and vertical continuity and articulation of the curriculum throughout the District.

7. Monitors implementation of the curriculum planning process and curriculum guides.

8. Communicates the curriculum and its philosophy to the Board, DGC, the staff, and the general public.

9. Coordinates activities of subject area curriculum committees.

10. Assists in the selection of materials for curriculum implementation.

11. Observe teachers in their classrooms at the request of building principals to assist in implementing the curriculum.

12. Assists with and oversees annual curriculum planning budget.

13. Keeps abreast of developments in curriculum and instruction, and furnishes leadership in determining appropriateness for inclusion in the District educational program.

14. Plans and administers professional development programs designed to assist instructional staff with implementing curriculum and PLCs.

15. Assists principals in the development and implementation of building professional development plans.

16. Communicates State and Federal mandates related to curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional development, and teacher evaluation to the DGC.

17. Works with school administrators to develop and implement school improvement plans.

18. District Testing Coordinator

19. District 504 Coordinator

20. Project Director (Mentoring)

21. And other duties as assigned relevant to the position.

*This is an administrative position beginning July 1, 2025.

**Position is 240 days/10 vacation days/2 personal days/12 sick days.

***No phone calls or emails, please.

****Bismarck School District Operates on a Four-Day School Week.